Overhead picture of a student on a laptop.

Contact Us


1515 Broad Street, Building B -2nd Floor
Bloomfield, NJ 07003

Academic Programs

If you have questions about pre-requisites, the GRE, admissions or anything else related to the Doctoral Program in Audiology (AuD), please reach out to Ms. Deborah Verderosa by email audinfo@4dian8.com or by telephone 973-655-4232.

If you have questions about pre-requisites, the GRE, admissions or anything else related to the Masters Program in Speech-Language Pathology (MA), please reach out to Ms. Deborah Verderosa by email slpinfo@4dian8.com or by telephone 973-655-4232.

Clinical Services

If you have questions or would like to make an appointment for a hearing evaluation, a discussion regarding hearing aids, a balance or auditory processing disorders evaluation, please contact the Hearing and Balance Clinic by email csdclinic@4dian8.com or by telephone 973-655-3934.

If you have questions or would like to make an appointment for speech or language therapy or a speech or language diagnostic evaluation please contact the Speech-Language Pathology Clinic by email csdclinic@4dian8.com or by telephone 973-655-6917